Your internet activities and digital payments create a very clear trail of breadcrumbs that are extremely simple to track.
It is a wonderful method for hackers, con artists, and other nasty individuals to profile a vulnerable person. When it comes to protecting people's privacy and collecting data, there isn't much discretion. We are aware that together with personal information, payment information has tremendous power in the wrong hands. How can you tell who to trust? What steps can you take to avoid being a victim?
How can you defend yourself if cash soon is entirely forbidden?
The great powers are already moving ahead in that direction. We observe the implementation of CBDCs by banks and nations, the disappearance of ATMs from public spaces, and the rejection of cash payments in numerous shops and restaurants. We are gradually being lured in and pressured to accept new payment methods. Using applications on your phone, wearables, and QR codes. Many processes will even become automated with the introduction of the Internet of Things (IOT), but is that always desirable? Off course I can see the advantages of new technologies like blockchain and cryptocurrencies, but only when we have control over them rather than banks, big technology companies, or the elite.
What about the basic human right to privacy? Are we not taking the issue too lightly? What if a Digital ID is soon connected to our bank accounts? It is not advisable to combine social credit systems with data on immunization, testing, or carbon emissions, for example. If things continue this way, we'll soon have less options available to us since what we do and how we move no longer aligns to the expectations of a small number of individuals who are in control of our data.
Have our governments, banks, non-profit organizations, middlemen, and multinational corporations not stealthily seized excessive authority in the name of our protection, convenience and safety? In my opinion, we already live under an oppressive control grid and this has greatly intensified since the introduction of the Patriot Act shortly after 911. It’s time to seriously make conscious choices in this space that align with our ideals of freedom & decentralization. That's why most of us got here in the first place.
Financial privacy is essential to individual freedom, but it's likely that many individuals will be persuaded to use CBDCs in the near future in some form (think about the already proposed Basic Incomes for example). These preparations are being accelerated by the developing hyperinflation. You pay that price for not conducting some of your own research right now.
In a transparent and digital world, invisibility could soon be recognized as a superpower.
There are many brilliant people working on decentralized projects for those who no longer rely on the established financial system. In the emerging world of Web3 and DeFi, you can do business as you did before banks seized our power. Think human contracts that are legally binding through digital smart contracts. I think that a fairer distribution of wealth around the world is the main benefit that this new disruptive market will bring. It cuts out the middleman, is less expensive, transparent, faster, safer, and gives power back to the people!
Let’s make the most of this new technology and use it for the greater good.
Helping people, entrepreneurs & businesses to bridge the gap between the internet of today towards the revolutionary Web4 movement.
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