Chapter 2

Why Decentralization?

Decentralization is a key component of Web3 giving people the ability to own a piece of the internet. This ownership comes in the form of holding cryptocurrencies, tokens and NFT’s. The power that comes with it is highly, highly underrated. It sparks creativity and everything else, making it genuinely revolutionary.

A future where in everyone can participate,
but no one can manipulate.

An equal collective future
Web3 enables an equal collective future rather than a corporate or governmental future. Decentralization breaks down the unequal old top down parasitic power structures wherein our effort/energy/labour is translated into money and the higher hierarchical ranks profit from it. The protocols on which applications are built are designed to prevent bad behavior.

Web3 solves many trust issues of the world of today
Web3 is trustless by design and there are more benefits. Decentralization makes a network more scalable and less reliant on a single point of failure. On the other hand you also need to be aware of the fact that innovation might lead to some legal tension here and there, this is inevitable since we’re pushing boundaries here. We’re just riding the waves and overcoming the hurdles whenever they occur. 

In contrast to traditional pyramid-structured systems

Web3 is agile, transparent, open for use, loose, and accessible to all, in contrast to traditional pyramid-structured systems, which are frequently hierarchical, rigidly organized, and not transparent. It cuts out the middleman, fosters cooperation and encourages users to make a real connection with other participants. It just feels like a more organic way to do things. If you value your independence, Web3 is made for you!

By participating, you decide where your energy goes and what happens to it. You can monitor and control it, you retain authenticity and ownership and you contribute on the basis of mutual understanding with respect to transparent rules that have been established together beforehand and on which there is mutual agreement.

Web3 allows people to #TakeItBack.

"A free and open society must embrace decentralization..." 
- Riku

The possibilities of decentralization are endless.

Think big. Now it's time to expand & explore our true potential. Exit democracy, enter DAOcracy! Think of community ownership and community voting. Network participants working together towards a common goal. A true democracy should embrace Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or DAO’s*

(*More specifically on that topic in another chapter).

Here are some examples of different applications:

  • Decentralized Finance (DeFi) such as Borrowing/Lending;
  • Decentralized Peer to Peer Payments where the verification process is not dependent on a third party;
  • Decentralized Insurance for risks of hacks or devaluation of assets;
  • Decentralized Data storage making download speed faster, files easier to transfer and data more secure and kept private;
  • Decentralized Crowdfunding which results in lower cost of raising funds due to elimination of intermediaries;
  • Decentralized Digital Identity makes you have more authority over your identity and personal data;
  • Decentralized Governance for example leading to quicker decision making, more engagement, motivation and less hierarchy;
  • Decentralized gaming which allows players to earn rewards for playing games or have a vote in how a game evolves;
  • Decentralized education encourages self made decisions and greater accountability and gives you the possibility to homeschool for example etcetera.

As you can see, there are countless options. Time to #TakeItBack!

Your independence, ownership and authenticity!

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