Robostats: A simple and private way to exchange bitcoin for national currencies.

At first, sovereignty is frightening; afterwards, it is freeing. Although buying your first Satoshi's from a peer may seem scary, it is also quite powerful and fun!

To start using RoboSats you only need a Lightning Wallet and a TOR enabled browser.

A simple and private way to exchange bitcoin for national currencies

RoboSats, started in 2022, is an open source platform that uses lightning hold invoices to reduce the need for custody and trust while simplifying the peer-to-peer user experience. Users are able to watch the finest privacy practices thanks to the algorithmically produced random avatars.

User friendliness is a priority for RoboSats. You can't go wrong with RoboSats since they keep things so straightforward!

The platform is entirely self-explanatory.

Why do we love Robostats?

A simple and private way to exchange bitcoin for national currencies

  • No KYC required (Know Your Customer)
  • Different identity in every transaction
  • P2P (Peer to Peer)
  • Private chat rooms with auditable PGP-encrypted communication
  • Only useable via a Tor Browser
  • No user account, so no email, phone, username or any input
  • Lightning Hold Invoices 

Every order has an expiration counter

  • There is a time limit of 3 hours to submit the invoice (buyer) and lock the trade escrow (seller). This is a mechanism that helps prevent fake order spamming, wasting time of counterparts and DDOSing the order book.
  • Open source
  • No account needed

Easy step by step process

  • Helpful visual and written guide available via RoboSats
  • Filter the order book to your needs
  • Advanced options for advanced users available

Bitcoin to Fiat and vice versa

  • Multiple payment methods available to accept / request like Sepa, Revolut, Monero, Amazon Giftcards, Apple Pay, Google Pay and others. You just select a currency and the payment method within that currency.

How to use?

When you enter this Onion address of RoboSats in your TOR browser, your special robot avatar greets you right away.

In this example it is the "SpiraledDungeon407" image.

The token you see underneath the robot is what is used to deterministically generate it. Keep a secure backup of this token since it will be all you need in the future to recover the robot avatar or you simply create a new one.

You can accept other people's orders or place new ones.

A simple step by step walkthrough of the complete process of "Taking an order as a buyer" & "Making an order as a seller" can be found here.

"A simple and private LN P2P exchange"

Let's look at the numbers..
Overview of RoboSats Statistics



Social Media

Twitter, Reddit, Telegram e.o.

Multiple Payment Options

Fiat, Giftcards, Monero, Revolut etc.

Cumulative BTC Volume since Feb 2022

> 185 BTC

Contracts Executed since Feb 2022

> 17250

Get started with RoboSats

Do you want to get started with RoboSats? Are you ready to start using a Lightning fast P2P exchange with the best privacy practices by default. Simple and KYC-free.

Check it out today!

Click here to head over to RoboSats
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